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#City Exploration

Top 5 moments on the Greek Islands

It’s the place to slow down a fast-paced lifestyle for a while - and what better way is there to soak up the Greek Islands than by sailboat?

by Robin Wu

Top 5 places to spend Halloween

North America may be Halloween's heartland but, should you want to sample it somewhere else, we present five destinations that put on a good scare!

by Attit Patel

Visual Adventure: The Baltics

Wanderers-in-Residence Dan and Audrey take us on a Visual Adventure through the Baltics. Click through to find out what you've been missing!

by Daniel Noll and Audrey Scott

Top 5 Experiences in Jordan

Wanderers-in-Residence Daniel Noll and Audrey Scott weigh in with five not-to-be-missed experiences in Jordan. Check out their recommendations!

by Daniel Noll and Audrey Scott

The Paris of Africa: How Cape Town Surprised Me

The country had been painted in a way that advised me to use caution while travelling there. However, this drove me to get there and experience it for myself, and hopefully debunk any negative ideas about South Africa. I soon learned that this wasn’t hard to do.

by Cailin O'Neil

3 Colonial Mexican Cities To Visit Now

Mexico’s colonial cities were financed in silver, disease and destruction, as the Spanish crown clashed with indigenous civilizations to extend its territories. Despite the devastating effects colonization had on the region, today’s colonial cities are proof that roses can grow from concrete or, in this case, cobblestone. Some of Mexico’s best colonial cities can be [&hellip

by Randy and Bethany

Postcards from India: North to South

From Kerala to Tamil Nadu in the south, from Udaipur to Kolkata in the north. Read on to join us on this adventure and find out how to get from Point A to Point B!

by Daniel Noll and Audrey Scott

48 Hours in... Reykjavik

Brimming with fashionista charm, Reykjavik is dotted with boutiques, cafés and colourful two-tone houses.

by Randy and Bethany

Sensory Overload: India

Find out that ‘sensory overload’ can lead to some incredible memories on this traveller's recent trip to India

by Jon Briley and Helena Hewett

Colours of Cuba

Work your way through a rainbow of photo highlights that make Cuba unforgettable in person and picture.

by Casey Mead

Visual Adventure: Oaxaca, Mexico

Travel through market squares, cobbled streets and historic sights on this visual adventure with travel blogger David Lee.

by David Lee

48 Hours in... Mexico City

Travel writer David Lee tells you all you need to know for your first 48 hours in this famous city.

by David Lee

Rio de Janiero and its Brazilian Brilliance

Looking at a map of the Americas, it is easy to let your eyes glide from the Northern reaches of the barren Canadian Shield down through the Central plains, Western mountains, and Southern deserts. From there, it’s on to the vast curve of Mexico, filtering out into the beautiful volcano laden strip of Central America [&hellip

by Greg Snell

Top 5 Reasons to go to Cuba Now

Now's the time for Cuba. G Adventures' own Casey Mead offers up five compelling reasons why you shouldn't wait.

by Casey Mead